Keratosis Pilaris – Ask a Naturopath Part 2

Good advice or plain quackery?

Good advice or plain quackery?

I’ve been receiving quite a lot of comments regarding one of my earlier posts about the annoying and supposedly incurable skin condition Keratosis Pilaris.

Many of you have been sharing your own horror stories about this condition and asking where you can find this amazing naturopath of mine.

Others have been skeptical at best and still others have accused me of making absurd assumptions and promoting quackery.

Unfortunately I believe that you may have all missed the point.

The whole point of sharing my experience was not to prove that our Naturopath miraculously cured my daughter of Keratosis Pilaris. The point was that, despite the symptoms and several western physicians diagnosis, she did not have Keratosis Pilaris after all!

In fact if you read the original article you will discover that the diagnosis made by our Naturopath using iridoligy was of a fungal infection of the lungs which presented itself as a itchy, bumpy skin rash on the arms. He was able to cure this rash by treating the fungal infection.

He did not cure Keratosis Pilaris because she did not have Keratosis Pilaris!

From my investigations into the subject I came across an amazing array of possible causes of skin rashes and bumps. Everything from allergic reactions, insect bites, chemical contamination and of course fungal infections can and do produce similar symptoms to Keratosis Pilaris.

Another interesting point to note is that Keratosis Pilaris is generally not particularly harmful, angry, painful or excessively itchy. If anything it is often described as a cosmetic problem and not a serious medical condition at all.

If you or your children do have these other symptoms perhaps it is not KP after all but some other kind of infection/ contamination that can actually be treated and cured once it is correctly diagnosed.

We were not satisfied with the western medical Keratosis Pilaris diagnosis and its subsequent non treatment and so decided to investigate a little further using alternative medicine. By doing so we were able to finally correctly diagnose, treat and cure our little girls skin condition.

For those who have suggested that iridoligy and naturopathy have no scientific backing, all I can say is that the proof of the pudding is in the eating.

Iridoligy and naturopathy diagnosed and cured my daughters condition where as western medicine with all of its empirical evidence and scientific backing failed to do so.

For me, results speak much louder than any text books and the smooth skin on her arms and the smile on her face is all the evidence that I need.

Quackity, quack, quack!

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Happy New Year- Again!

Sydney FireworksHappy New Year parents!

Hope this year brings more rewarding relationships between parents and kids.

Speaking of which, I’ve been a bit quiet of late due to the fact that I am now working full time in a new business that is really more like having two jobs.

Subsequently I have limited time to spend with our little one and even less time to write about it.

I am still a dad though and I fully intend to keep contributing to the parenting pool by sharing my experiences however scarce.

After spending so much time with our girl I have had trouble adjusting to life away from home and I really miss the day to day things that she does. I almost feel that I have all of a sudden lost that closeness that was built up over the last 18 months of the stay at home dad role.

I think that it may be only now that I fully appreciate the family sacrifice that the breadwinner makes when they leave the house everyday in pursuit of career and financial necessity.

I guess that most dads don’t get the chance to experience the stay at home dad role and so to they don’t to some degree know what they are missing.

Perhaps that is a blessing in disguise….

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Aromatherapy for children

Aromatherapy for children

Aromatherapy can be great for children

A friend of mine and new dad, JON DENNIS has come up with some excellent tips on using aromatherapy for children.

This technique works for children (and adults) of all ages and is a really simple and effective way to help snotty kids breathe easier at night. I tried it on my own congested three year old the other night and the results were immediate.

Jon has used his knowledge of aromatherapy and essential oils and integrated it into his new role as a  father to ensure his beautiful new baby boy gets the restful sleep he needs to grow and be happy.

Jon goes on to say….

“…My son (who is now still only 3 months old) was, like many other babies, born with a lot of residual fluids from the womb still in his system.

 The symptom quite simply presented itself as a blocked nose, and despite all the attempts to fish the gunk out nothing seemed to give him any lasting relief.

 That is when I recalled the experience I gained working for an Aromatherapy company many years earlier.

 I knew a bit about the essential oils and what they were good for, and had used them on and off myself for various reasons with success, so decided to give it a go with our little one.

 We set up a vaporizer in the nursery where it wouldn’t be disturbed, and added a few drops of a blend that a relative had given us which contained the all important ingredient – Eucalyptus.

 We started burning a candle in the vaporizer for a few hours before his night time sleep so that the room was full of the fragrance before we put him down. We always made sure to always blow the candle out before closing the door for the night.

 The results were almost immediate. We started to notice how much clearer his breathing was straight away, and within 2 or 3 days he was breathing without any blockage at all.

 We quickly realized that burning a candle in his room every couple of days ensured there was enough of the aroma in the room to give him the lasting relief we had been looking for.

 We also knew when we needed to increase the burning time because we could hear when his nose started to block again.

 Using Vaporizers is simple. A few drops of your selected oil in a vaporizer full of water, add a lit candle and you’re away.

 Apart from being good for his breathing, we have also found that it leaves the room smelling nice and covers any baby smells left lingering around the change table…”

Now there is some great and effective advice on using aromatherapy for children. I thought I would add a couple of disclaimers to this advice just to ensure safety all around and they are as follows:

1) Never EVER leave a burning candle in your baby’s room.

2) Never leave a burning candle unattended.

3) ALWAYS check your dosages before burning essential oils. Eucalyptus oil in particular is quite toxic so make sure you follow the instructions and add a FEW DROPS ONLY to a full bowl of  water in your vaporizer.

4) NEVER burn undiluted oils unless expressly told to by a Naturopath of Physician.

Aromatherapy for children can be great but make sure you use common sense. The idea is to fill the room with a gentle fragrance of Eucalyptus ( and others ) to help clear the congested passages of your little baby’s nose and lungs.

If it smells to strong for you then it will probably be to strong for your little baby. Start with a little essential oils and then work up to larger doses until the desired affect is achieved.

Once again, thanks for the tip Jon. I hope we hear more from you in the future and in the meantime – good luck with your parenting!

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