Thanks for your concern – I have been a busy bee lately
Hello Everyone!
Yes I am still alive.
It has been such a long time since my last post as I have been an extremely busy bee with various projects both parenting and non-parenting.
As I had previously mentioned, I am no longer technically a Stay at Home Dad as I have been out and about earning some supplementary family income.
While I am still looking after our growing three and a half year old two days a week and having many parental experiences I am just lacking the time to write them down!
Additionally to working part time and being a dad I am also in the process of starting a new business which makes me about as busy as a centipede on a hotplate (dad joke)!
Anyway I will attempt to contribute to this site a lot more often in the near future.
Thank you to all of you who have contacted me to ask if I was OK. I really do appreciate it. It is nice to know that there a quite a few of you out there who actually read this stuff and more importantly, that you find it useful in your quest to be better parents.
If one piece of information I write helps one person connect with their child a little better then I feel that it is more than worthwhile.
A friend of mine who recently became a dad for the first time is also embracing his role and has come up with a few excellently useful tips of his own. I will be including them on this site in the future as well.
If there are any other Dads out there who would like to contribute then please drop me a line through the contacts page.
OK so that’s about it for the time being. Please keep the comments coming as the premise of this site is still the free exchange of parenting advice so that we can all learn from each other and build a community of loved and well-adjusted kids….