Dad and Partner Pay Scheme

dad and partner payI have been contacted by a representative of the Australian Government in regards to this blog.

It seems that for some reason they have noticed me.

Could it be that my outlandish views and opinions, sweeping generalizations and unsubstantiated claims have attracted their attention? I must admit I was worried. I can be a little inflammatory at times..?

Well it turns out that they (you know – them) would like me to inform you of the Australian Government’s new paid parental leave scheme for Dads and Partners being introduced on the 1st January 2013.  Amazingly enough it’s called Dad and Partner Pay.

Phew! So I’m not in trouble after all.

Just for the record I have been..erm…asked to post this information and no money has changed hands so therefore it is not a sponsored post (if only!).

I did think about saying ‘no’ just for the fun of it but then decided against it. I do not
want to get on the wrong side of them and besides, it is actually an excellent step in the
right direction to encourage Dads and Partners to take on a greater share of infant care.

Dads can often feel a bit left out in the early stages of parenting as bub sleeps most of the time and if mum is breastfeeding there can be precious little opportunity for Dad and baby to bond.

The best way for bonding to occur is for Dads and Partners to be totally involved in all aspects of infant care and that is best done in the first six weeks of a new baby’s life when
patterns and routines are set.

The Dad and Partner pay scheme provides eligible working Dads and Partners with two weeks minimum wage pay (about $600 per week before tax) so they can spend time bonding with their newborn and helping out Mum in those critical early stages.

This is in addition to existing paternity entitlements under the Fair work Australia policy
and any paternity leave/ paid leave offered by your private employer.

Many studies have shown that a strong relationship between Dad and baby provides a good start to healthy emotional, social and cognitive development and the government agrees so strongly with this that they want to pay you to do it.

Why wouldn’t you take advantage of this new scheme?

While it may not be a whole heap of money to some, it all comes in handy and if nothing else it is official acknowledgement of the importance of the role of Dads and Partners.

Dad and Partner Pay can help provide financial support to dads and partners to enable them to spend more time at home with their new baby and support their partner during this important family bonding time.

For more details and eligibility requirements click here or here.

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