Happy New Year- Again!

Sydney FireworksHappy New Year parents!

Hope this year brings more rewarding relationships between parents and kids.

Speaking of which, I’ve been a bit quiet of late due to the fact that I am now working full time in a new business that is really more like having two jobs.

Subsequently I have limited time to spend with our little one and even less time to write about it.

I am still a dad though and I fully intend to keep contributing to the parenting pool by sharing my experiences however scarce.

After spending so much time with our girl I have had trouble adjusting to life away from home and I really miss the day to day things that she does. I almost feel that I have all of a sudden lost that closeness that was built up over the last 18 months of the stay at home dad role.

I think that it may be only now that I fully appreciate the family sacrifice that the breadwinner makes when they leave the house everyday in pursuit of career and financial necessity.

I guess that most dads don’t get the chance to experience the stay at home dad role and so to they don’t to some degree know what they are missing.

Perhaps that is a blessing in disguise….

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